Roasts and Processes
Roasted coffee. What difference is there with t...
¿Qué es el café torrefacto y qué diferencia hay con el café natural? El café torrefacto, también conocido como café torrado o café con azúcar, es una variedad de café...
Roasted coffee. What difference is there with t...
¿Qué es el café torrefacto y qué diferencia hay con el café natural? El café torrefacto, también conocido como café torrado o café con azúcar, es una variedad de café...
What is the Swiss Water process?
Proceso de descafeinado Swiss Water, ¿En qué consiste? El proceso swiss water, utilizado únicamente para el café descafeinado, es un método ecológico que se lleva a cabo sin utilizar productos...
What is the Swiss Water process?
Proceso de descafeinado Swiss Water, ¿En qué consiste? El proceso swiss water, utilizado únicamente para el café descafeinado, es un método ecológico que se lleva a cabo sin utilizar productos...
What are the different types of coffee roasting?
Coffee roasting consists of heating the coffee beans using hot air inside a rotating drum. The objective of roasting is to ensure that it is uniform, avoiding that the beans...
What are the different types of coffee roasting?
Coffee roasting consists of heating the coffee beans using hot air inside a rotating drum. The objective of roasting is to ensure that it is uniform, avoiding that the beans...
What does it mean to roast the coffee? coffee r...
The main objective of the coffee roasting process is to transform the green beans, since they cannot be consumed in their original state, into ready-to-eat coffee beans. Through roasting, the...
What does it mean to roast the coffee? coffee r...
The main objective of the coffee roasting process is to transform the green beans, since they cannot be consumed in their original state, into ready-to-eat coffee beans. Through roasting, the...
What are coffee processes?
There are several possible processing methods. A type of treatment is selected based on the cultivated species, the collection method and the availability of water in the region. It also...
What are coffee processes?
There are several possible processing methods. A type of treatment is selected based on the cultivated species, the collection method and the availability of water in the region. It also...